The phrase “open adoption” can be an intimidating thing to consider. However, in our experience (Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge has over 50 years of adoption experience!), we have seen open adoption build healthy and fulfilling relationships between adoptive and birth families. Research also supports our experience, finding that some level of openness is beneficial for adopted people.
It’s important to remember that “open adoption” can describe a variety of types of relationships. This could look like sending pictures and letters to your child’s birthparents through our agency while maintaining strict confidentiality. In some cases, it may eventually include exchanging contact information and meeting independently.
When adopting through Catholic Charities, you can be assured that both birth and adoptive families will receive much education and support as they learn to navigate openness in adoption. In open adoption, it is ALWAYS the adoptive parent’s right to choose what is best for their child in terms of continuing contact with birth parents.